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Warning Signs

It can be difficult to label your relationship or identify your partner’s hurtful behaviour as abuse. It may help to think about relationships existing on a spectrum ranging from healthy to unhealthy to abusive. Healthy relationships are safe, respectful, fair, and supportive. In a healthy relationship, partners feel free to voice their concerns and establish boundaries. Are you able to speak openly with your partner? Is it safe to say what you are and aren’t comfortable with when it comes to sex, life, family and friends, personal space and time? Do you feel heard when you express your feelings? Is your partner receptive? Our intent is to provide you with information and support as you assess your relationship.
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Does your partner...

The cycle of violence

The Cycle of Violence and Power & Control Wheel are tools to help you examine your partner’s behaviour.

Power & Control Wheel

The Power & Control Wheel illustrates the pattern of actions that an individual uses to intentionally control or dominate intimate partners. The wheel makes the pattern, intent and impact of violence visible.

You may see your partner’s behaviour has a pattern and a purpose. Their behaviour is deliberate with the intent to control you. As you reflect on your partner’s behaviour, consider how it is affecting you and your children.

We recognize that exploring your relationship can be difficult work. Be sure to connect with trusted supports. Our support workers are also available to support you during this process.


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