Events & Advocacy

PearlSpace Advocacy

PearlSpace is an organization that cultivates hope from an intersectional feminist framework, which means our inclusive services embody the values of Feminism, Empowerment, Safety, Resiliency, Transparency, and Belonging.


With this in mind, we collectively advocate for important days/weeks/months of remembrance, significance, and awareness or when current events shed light or attention on issues that intersect with our work.


For many years, we have been honouring dates that acknowledge prevention of violence, women’s rights, Indigenous rights, mental health awareness, 2SLGBTQ+ rights, and other dates that recognize and commemorate marginalized groups.

Pearlspace Womens Resources Squamish (1) Copy

We have celebrated these dates with social events, campaigns, and in some cases vigils too. Some of the bigger priority dates we advocate for each year are:

  • International Women’s Day
  • International Transgender Day of Visibility
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month
  • Prevention of Violence Against Women Week
  • Red Dress Day
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia
  • National Indigenous History Month & Pride Month
  • Canadian Multiculturalism Day
  • National Day of Truth & Reconciliation
  • International Pronouns Day
  • Transgender Awareness Week & Transgender Day of Remembrance
  • National Day of Remembrance & Action on Violence Against Women

Please see our Advocacy Calendar for more details.

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